Sunday, May 25, 2008
Information Revolution
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
David Macaulay
David Macaulay has been working on a new book. He gave us a guided tour at Art Center's Serious Play conference a couple of weeks ago. It's another book about how things are built / how things work, but this time it's about the human body. I loved the gentle Prismacolor shading in some of the drawings. From top to bottom, conquering the ascent of the nose, of course, the stomach and intestinal system (complete with trucks hauling away the waste), and finally, the bottom end of the spinal cord being lowered into place in the pelvis. This one promises to be another delight.

Sunday, May 18, 2008
Fail Early; Fail Often
Re-Authorship of the Body: Amiee Mullins at Serious Play
Aimee Mullins knew at a young age that she was going to be the person who would choose her identity. In John Hockenberry's terms, he and she both have "re-authored" their bodies, taking over their bodies for a second time after, in her case, double amputation and his, an auto accident that left him paralyzed from the chest down. For those of you who have not read Hockenberry's book, Moving Violations, I'd consider it required reading for any designer. This is the second time I've heard Mullins, and though the second time around I found her talk less focused, less inspiring, the conversation at the end with Hockenberry was a treat.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Go Sparks!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Second Life at the Art Center Design Conference
Philip Rosedale was a kid who read a lot, got into electronics, then computers, and was obsessed with making things. Wood, electronic—it didn't matter. He thought it would be good to have his bedroom door go up, instead of swing inward. So he cut through the ceiling joists, installed a garage door hoist.... He sees Second Life as a way for people to do things they want to do but may not have the opportunity to. Why do we dream of going into space? It's the illusion that you can begin again. Leave life as you know it behind; transform yourself (ah... but will you be able to do that? or will you find your old self wherever you go?).

Monday, May 12, 2008
The Origins of Serious Play, Revisited
Coming June 17th: in celebration of Charles Eames Centennial Year, the Eames Office will host a celebration of the first day of issue for the Eames postage stamps. The event will be between 11 am and 1 pm at the Eames Office at 850 Pico Boulevard, Santa Monica.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Day 3

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Writing what you don't [already] know
The Origins of Serious Play
A Lot of Paperwork

Day 2, mid-morning
Serious Play, Day 2
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Art Center Design Conference